Leadership Philosophy

Leadership requires integrity. I will do my best to ensure quality, compassionate, safe patient care in an efficient and financially responsible manner. I will achieve this while remaining accountable for employee satisfaction and work life balance. I will do this through evaluation of process and outcomes, employee communication and feedback. I will listen and learn, while growing new leaders through involvement of staff at all levels, and caring for and respecting each individual.  I will pursue instilling a culture where employees care for themselves, their coworkers and their patients.

Leaders have a responsibility to staff and to the community to foster an environment that is transparent in all aspects. As a leader, I will strive to build the trust between leadership and staff, as well as among staff members, which is required to be able to deliver safe, high quality care. I will hold myself accountable for the culture and relationships staff build and maintain. I will walk the walk in my interactions, decisions and actions. I will hold others accountable for building and maintaining a culture of transparency, integrity, honesty, responsibility and trust.

In my pursuit of excellent, high quality, safe patient care I will maintain a focus on caring and respect. I will respect my time, as well as my peers’ and staff members’. I will be productive during my time at work, so I am able to be productive during my time at home. I will hold myself and others accountable for their productivity in order to assure that there is no added burden from non-compliance and lack of teamwork. In order to meet the goal to have a safe environment to deliver excellent patient care, the team must function as a whole and not in silos. As a leader, I will strive to open lines of communication and trust to achieve this high functioning level of teamwork.

1 comment:

  1. Leadership is about leading by example. To achieve daily life goals even to-do lists, we all have to depend on our leadership skills. Leaders have their own logic; they do not follow the crowd.

    Leadership expert in the UK
